featured: μpub boasts both known features (quote posts, media proxy, AP explorer) and new experimental ideas (on-demand thread fetching, granular activity privacy, actor liked feeds)
simple: just compile the main binary and run it! works right away with sqlite
fast: both frontend and backend are built leveraging async rust
flexible: wether you prefer a monolithic simple instance or a distributed high perforance deployment, μpub can be set up that way
unfinished: this project is still under development! notable missing features are media uploads, bookmarks, lists,edit UI and button undos
technical: μpub uses many activitypub-native terminology and directly exposes protocol concepts, meaning it may be less intuitive for new users
moderation: there are no moderation tools available as of now, admins will need to carry out most tasks directly interacting with the database
zealous: ActivityPub concepts are respected as closely as possible, which may lead to small differences from other software's behaviour